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About me

Thomas Howarth is a professional automotive photographer and influencer. In 2014, he founded Horsepower Hunters to develop his passion for photography and share his love of cars.


To date, Thomas has collaborated with several renowned companies and institutions, including Ferrari North Europe, Michelin, JCB, Mercedes Benz, Maserati, and Bentley, along with numerous private clients.


Horsepower Hunters has impressively grown to over 480,000 total followers and reaches over two million individuals weekly. It is now an internationally recognized car-spotting and photography brand.


Thomas currently serves as the Social Media Manager and content creator for Topaz Detailing and numerous other businesses in the automotive space.


Since 2016, he has been a photographic and social media contributor for the well-known forum PistonHeads.


"Hunting Horsepower since 2014..."

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Photography and Collaborations 

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